"For years I stretched myself thin trying to earn degrees and job titles in order to be what corporate America deems successful." 


I have given selflessly to the wrong people and made poor decisions that have affected the condition of my heart only to be left frustrated, tired, and disappointed. I have also felt as though my life's story would always consist of me seeking to find my purpose. Even as an individual who has a strong spiritual background and was taught to believe that we all have the potential to become great, fear caused me to seriously question my abilities because of doubt seeping into several areas of my life.

Now, this is the part where I share my beautiful testimony of where I see myself in ten years and how I have a plan that will place me at the round table of success. Unfortunately, I do not have one, but something I do know is that I have discovered my purpose for this lifetime and I am officially ready to put my discovery to use.

Moriah Peters is a singer and songwriter who released the single Brave. I came across this song on my Pandora playlist while driving to work and instantly became mesmerized by the words she used to comfort those struggling to remain strong. When you get a moment, I highly recommend listening to this song. It is so inspirational! Hearing that song made me reflect on the dissatisfaction I was holding within my heart for months and eventually brought me to tears. Several days later I came to the realization that my purpose is to not only challenge myself, but others to Become Resilient And Victorious Everyday (BRAVE) even when our situation screams we can’t.

Even though society tells us that we should strive to be flawless and criticize those who appear to be nowhere near it, the reality is that perfection is an unrealistic goal in life. We end up becoming frustrated with our situation because we try to hide our imperfections from others. Well let me tell you this much, Dare To Be Brave is about embracing our imperfections and displaying to others that our journey is not about what we are able to struggle with in secret, but how transparent we are with ourselves and others. Dare To Be Brave will constantly remind you that, “Greatness begins with a choice and ends with an action.”

Much Love, 
